Reanimate/Vitalize/Vivify The Web With Matchless Product And Services!!

The ever-expanding and ever-adopting technology is growing much faster and to evolve with the technology is not an easy task. There are more devices connected to the Web than living human beings and 81% of consumers research online before buying. (GE Capitol). Also, competition is at its best, quality products and instant services are now matters the most.

WDMtech is one of the leading product and service providers competing and racing with the technology with great pace. In the span of last 5 years, it has done tremendous job to provide products and services to replenish the web world with regular updates as we follow the mantra!

“All businesses need to be young forever. If your customer base ages with you, you’re Woolworth’s.”

— Jeff Bezos, Founder Amazon

Do you believe! according to Netcraft, there are now more than 227 million active websites, containing 65 billion web pages. Total number of websites are going at a pace of more than 100 sites per second, most of the businesses are coming to the web and this arises the need for developing products to benefit and advance different sectors like Learning, Training, Accounting, e-Commerce, and other product and service based industries. An enterprise now a days needs to control assets, clients, vendors, staff, services etc.

For that, WDMTech provides solutions to deliver all these services and products in the best way (as per client requirement) through some very astonishing products like vQuiz, vRestaurant, vData etc. Website development and design, CMS customization, mobile app development, customized software solution, etc. are the promising services provided by WDMtech. From Unit testing to Alpha and Beta testing all sorts of manual and automated testing is the intrinsic and indivisible part of its services. We provide a dedicated team of Quality Assurance and Testing. To find more products and services follow below link:

One of the most remarkable and latest core and custom PHP tool gifted to the web world by WDMtech is Land and Fleet GPS Monitoring and Management tool system. It is the one of its kind as most fleet based tools are restricted to only one of the land or water fleet.

WDMtech never believe in leaving a client in lurch during or after the project as it provides instant support to the client when ever needed.

WDMtech is yet to give a lot to the world, it is well prepared for frequent firmware upgrades and to contribute with its products and services as they believe

“Well done is better than well said.”

(Benjamin Franklin)

Proven Approach for Evangelizing UX

We often don’t know why we do things

One of the research studies proving this point was carried out around 50 years back by psychologists Timothy Wilson and Richard Nisbett. The researchers placed a table outside a store with a signboard that read, “Consumer Evaluation Survey: Which is the best quality?” On that table, there were four pairs of ladies stockings, labeled A, B, C and D from left to right. Most of the people i.e. 40% preferred D, and fewest people i.e. 12% preferred A.

The fact was, all the pairs of stockings on a table were identical. The reason most people preferred D was simply a position effect: the researchers knew that people show a marked preference for items on the right side of a display (another finding from psychology). But when the researchers asked people about the stockings that they chose, people identified an attribute of their preferred pair, such as its superior knit, sheerness or elasticity.

The researchers also asked people if they would have been influenced by the order and placement of the items, but with one exception (a psychology student who had just learned about order effects) nobody thought this had affected their choice. Instead, people made up plausible reasons for their choice.

So, there are a few very important factors which should be reminded while working on UX during mobile application development

    , website development and design, etc.
  • Size and Location
  • Attention (Hick’s Law and Serial Position Effect)
  • Empathy Mapping
  • Positive Reinforcement
  • Facts to believe

UX is also about the size and location of controls

According to Fitts’ law (named after the psychologist Paul M Fitts), the time required to rapidly move to a target is a function of the distance to and the size of the target. This applies to both desktop user interfaces as well as touchscreen interfaces. In practice, Fitts’ Law doesn’t mean you should just make big buttons but that you should increase the clickable area. For example, allow a user to click on the text label next to a form field to place their cursor in the field for data entry.

Attention (Towards User’s Psychology)

There are different sorts of attention, based on the situation and the strength of the stimuli.

As a UX designer, we must be very well aware of the important factors of in-depth changes. These changes within the UX environment always draw the attention of the user. With this kind of expertise and experience in website development and design, we can sensibly design user experiences that must be the best fit for the User.

It could be a CMS customization or mobile application development or any other sort of customized software solution:

As a UX Designer, we should better know that during the learning and working activities the users need to use their constant attention. It means that everything on the user interface should deliver this purpose.

Too Many Options and Choices (Hick’s Law)

More choices and options need more mental load. “It describes the time it takes for a person to make a decision as a result of the possible choices he or she has: increasing the number of choices will increase the decision time logarithmically.”

Too Many Options and Choices (Hick’s Law)

Serial Position Effect: A way to create better user interfaces

The serial position effect, a term coined by Hermann Ebbinghaus, a German psychologist and a leader of memory research, describes how the position of an item in a sequence affects recall accuracy. There are two main concepts involved in the serial position effect:

  • The Primacy Effect: Items that are presented at the beginning of a list are recalled with greater accuracy than items in the middle of a list.
  • The Recency Effect: Items that appear at the end of a list are also more likely to elicit better recall than items presented in the middle of a list.

Serial Position Effect: A way to create better user interfaces

There are a few ways you can design better UX by understanding how the serial position effect affects your user:

  • We should maintain information related to tasks within the User Interface.
  • Include cues and notion in the User Interface.
  • Limit the amount of recall required.
  • Emphasize and highlight key information in the beginning and end.

Empathy Mapping:

s the name suggests, empathy maps simply help us building empathy with our end users. Based on real data and when combined with other mapping methods, they can:

  • Remove the bias from designs and brings the team on a single, shared vision of the user.
  • Brings out weaknesses in the research and understanding of the design.
  • Brings to light new user requirements that the user themselves may unaware of.
  • Need to understand what influence the user’s behavior.
  • Guide us toward meaningful innovation and advancement.

Empathy Mapping

“Pay attention to what users do, not what they say.”

— Jakob Nielsen

Using a Positive Reinforcement In UX

Positive reinforcement is only encouraging an action by rewarding it.

Positive reinforcement can be used in two ways. The first, if you are making use of an unorthodox website design features, a contemporary navigation, or out of the way architecture, you can train your users to handle it appropriately and master it by rewarding their interaction with it.

The second, and much more across the board, the application is to impose it on the platform as a whole. You are not bringing any behavior or habit into existence. You are simply wanting to encourage continued and repeated use of the website or mobile app in general.

Few facts to believe in:

3 Click Rule
This rule states that most probably, users will leave a website if they can’t get to the desired page they want, within 3 clicks.

5 Second Test
A 5-second test includes showing users the interface of a software application or a website for 5 seconds. Participants then have to recall what they saw on the page. This is one of the great methods to see whether the interface, features, or calls to actions has been correctly placed and has a correct impact.

80/20 Rule
This is based on the Pareto principle. Applied to any website, web app, or software environment, 20% of the functionality and features will be responsible for 80% of the results.

A/B Testing
A/B testing is a when you test two different versions of online content with users to see which one they prefer.

Accessibility is the ease with which people can use and understand a website or app. This also refers to how websites and apps are adapted for those with disabilities or special needs. An example of this could be adapting colors to allow people who are color blind.

10 Commandments To Become a UI Hot Stuff! From a Clumsy Noob!

Hey! The world is all beautiful, colorful and natural so your User Interface should be. It is one of the most important parts of any website or application. Users usually don’t notice it when it performs well. But in case of errors and poor interface users lose the interest in the product. To create successful user interfaces, most designers follow the basic principles of interface design. Interface design principles represent high-level concepts that are used to guide software design. High level! Not that much

10 commandments are:

1. Place users in control of the interface

  • The user must be able to reverse the action which allows the user to backtrack without the constant fear of failure.
  • Create an easy-to-navigate interface during the website development process, so that user should enjoy exploring the interface even in case of complex software or loads of options available.
  • Acknowledgment and feedback are the necessary needs of today’s complex and messy software. For example, when filling out a password field in the signup form, the interface might inform users of the requirements for their password.
  • Using progress bars or other indicators makes the user patience while software or app is supposed to be doing something.
  • Accommodate users with different skill levels by providing shortcuts, hotkeys and fast paths for expert users. For newbie users tutorial and explanation must be there.

2. Make it comfortable to interact with a product

  • Eliminate all elements and irrelevant information that is not helping your users.
  • Don’t push users to enter same info multiple time or vast info to fill.
  • Use terms throughout the interface that users can understand, rather than system or developer language.
  • Fitts’s law states that the time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target. This means that it’s better to design large targets for important functions (big buttons are easier to interact with).
  • We should design an interface by keeping the requirement of users of all abilities, including those with low vision, blindness, hearing impairments, cognitive impairments etc.
  • To simulate real world on digital interface metaphors play vital roles. For example, when asking debit card details for payment, you can use a similar picture of the real card as an example.
  • Errors should be engineered as precise, polite, and constructive. If possible, errors must include the exact issue and solution.

3. Reduce cognitive load

  • Cognitive load is the amount of mental processing power required to use a product. It’s better to avoid making users think/work too hard to use your product.
  • According to a research, human working memory can handle seven-plus-or-minus two “chunks” of information while we’re processing information (Theory of CHUNKING by George Miller).
  • Use 3 click rule to reduce the number of actions required to complete the task. The user of a product should be able to find any information with no more than three mouse clicks.
  • Visibility of information and accessibility with ease makes the user recall and recognize what he saw recently in a software.

4. Make user interfaces consistent

  • The main idea of consistency is the idea of transferable knowledge — let users transfer their knowledge and skills from one part of an app’s UI to another, and from one app to another app to have the consistency in website design.
  • Don’t change the consistent look of visual styles within your product for no reason. For example, a Submit button on one page of your site should look the same on any other page.
  • The principle of least surprise is the Functional consistency (Consistency of behavior). The behavior of interface controls, such as buttons and menu items, should not change within a product.
  • To fulfill user requirements follow platform conventions, don’t reinvent patterns, and don’t try to reinvent terminology.

5. Light comes from the sky

  • Shadows are invaluable cues in telling the human brain what user interface elements we’re looking at. When the light comes from the sky, it illuminates the tops of things and casts shadows below them.
  • Same in the website development, home page tops of stuff are lighter, the bottoms are darker. Our screens are flat, but we’ve invested a great amount of art into making just about everything on them appear to be 3-D.

6. Black and white first

  • To simplify the complex elements of the interface we need to first implement Grayscale responsive website design then should go for the colored version.
  • It is better to start making the app beautiful and usable in every aspect, but without the use of colors, which is a little harder. So, add color after grayscale with a very purposeful and meaningful way.
  • In some of the cases, it is not necessary to have a grayscale version or interface. Some designs are related to specific attitude — “sporty”, “flashy”, “cartoony”, etc. — need a designer who can use color extremely well. But most apps don’t have a specific attitude except clean and simple. Those that do are admittedly much harder to design.

7. Double your whitespace

For well-designed UI look, you need to add in a lot of breathing room. Sometimes in a ridiculous amount. For this designer needs to remind few things in his mind:

CSS, HTML, and Whitespace

  • If you, like me, are used for the formatting of the CSS, where mostly the default is no whitespace, don’t try those poor methods and train yourself for new ones.
  • While designing a software start using whitespace as the default. Everything starts as whitespace until you take it away by adding a page element.
  • Starting with a blank page means starting with nothing but whitespace. You think of margins and spacing right from the very beginning. Everything you draw is a conscious whitespace-removing decision.
  • Starting with a bunch of unstyled HTML means starting with content. Spacing is the afterthought. It has to be explicitly stated.

8. Learn the methods of overlaying text on images

For reliably and beautifully overlaying text over images we have certain concrete methods.

Method 1: Apply text directly to the image

  • The image should be dark.
  • The text has to be white.
  • Test it at every screen/window size to make sure it’s legible

Method 2: Overlay the whole image

  • It is the trendiest method today to overlay the image.
  • For bright images, translucent black is the best option also you can find colored overlays as well.

Method 3: Put text in a rectangle

Semi-transparent black rectangle and lather on some white text allow any image underneath and text will be clearly visible and legible, you can also add some colors.

Method 4: Blur the image

To make the overlaid text more legible we need to blur part of the underlying image. You can also use the out-of-focus area of a photo as the blur.

Method 5: Floor fade

  • The floor fade is when you have an image that subtly fades towards black at the bottom, and then there’s white text written over it.
  • To look most natural to our eye, the image has to be slightly darker at the bottom, just like everything else we ever see.

9. Make text pop — and un-pop

The styling of text matters the most preferably larger and lighter. Text includes multiple features to be reminded like Size (bigger or smaller), Color (greater contrast or lesser; bright colors draw the eye), Font weight (bolder or thinner), Capitalization (lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Title Case), Italicization, Letter, and Margins. For a visible and clear website design, text plays the most important role in improving UI and UX.

Up-pop and down-pop

    You can divide all the ways of styling text into two groups:
  • Styles that increase the visibility of the text. Big, bold, capitalized, etc.
  • Styles that decrease the visibility of the text. Small, less contrast, less margin, etc.

Selected and hovered styles

Styling selected elements and hover effects are another round in the same game— but more difficult. Usually, changing font-size, case, or font-weight will change how large of an area the text takes up, which can lead to seizing hover effects.

10. Only use good fonts

The clean and simple font is the necessity of a well-designed UI. Sites having unique features include very distinct text depends upon the flavor like sports, online games, and business sites etc. There are some useful resources for a smooth and soothing website design:

    There are some useful resources:
  • Beautiful Google web fonts. This is an awesome showcase of how good Google Fonts can look. I’ve returned to this simple page for inspiration at least a dozen times.
  • Font Squirrel. A collection of the best fonts available for commercial use, and totally free.
  • Type kit. If you are on Adobe Creative Cloud (i.e. subscription Photoshop or Illustrator, etc.), then you have free access to a ton of amazing fonts. And yes, Proxima Nova is included.

Revealing a Leading Face of Restaurant Management Tool!!!

Guess What?!? I have got something exciting to tell you: We are coming with the latest release of our one of the best, leading and up-to-date online restaurant tool i.e. vRestaurant.

A few months back, it was a myth to have endless features within one portal. Now with the assistance of our super developer brains, we are making your dream comes true to manage everything centrally from one portal with ease and simplicity.

vRestaurant’s online ordering and reservation platform is your space to explore and explain your brand. It’s the first interaction people have with you online. It not only opens new revenue streams for you but also offers various customer engagement opportunities.

Another great way to make your restaurant stand out is to use the vRestaurant portal as Review and Rating platform. One can easily share his/her experience by reviewing the restaurants available. Customer’s feedback is the final word for an owner of a Restaurant to make an assessment of his services or to find better ideas which can lead to an overall improvement in infrastructure, menu, features, and services.

vRestaurant is stuffed with lots of cutting-edge features like Online Menu Ordering, Online booking and reservation, list/search restaurants and menu dynamically, rate & review system for restaurant & menu with category reviews, deals and coupons to woo customers, different Dashboard for Restaurant owners, subscription for Restaurant owners, etc.

WDMtech is one the leading company to serve you the latest, high-tech and wide range of online portals and platforms that make you comply with today’s business needs. vRestaurant is also the mirror of our 10 years of experience in the development of technology.

Taste a demo of vRestaurant and enjoy it to shoot your business like anything.

Why Joomla For E-Commerce Web Development?

Choosing a right platform for website development is really a hard decision to make, particularly an e-Commerce one. Content Management Systems (CMS) reduce the burdens related with building a website with any vertical.

Before coming to any firm decision, every e-Commerce entrepreneur should go through some CMS which are fully features as per their requirement. Most of the entrepreneur ends up choosing one of the three most popular CMS for their website. Extensive functionality, ease of use, extendibility and ability to deliver a wholesome online business experience makes Joomla the only choice for most of the Entrepreneur.

Joomla E-Commerce

Let’s see what makes Joomla the very first choice for e-Commerce web development:

Joomla’s e-commerce themes

There are numerous Joomla templates available, many of which are free, and are SEO and translation ready. No matter what kind of product or service you’re selling, you’ll find a template that’s just right for your online store. Few of the features of templates in Joomla are:

  • Designed for any kind of e-commerce Joomla website development
  • Responsive, retina-ready design so your site looks great from any device
  • Customisable colour choice, fonts, and typography
  • Designed for restaurants or food business-related sites, fashion business, etc.
  • Blog and gallery features make it easy to share content and images
  • Slick, simple layout helps you show off the season’s trendiest offerings
  • Highly functional menu navigation so customers can shop from any device

Joomla’s e-commerce extensions

A Joomla website is customisable with numerous extensions, some free, others paid, all fully featured to provide everything you could possibly need or want in a custom Joomla development environment for your website. To give you an idea, the following are among Joomla’s most popular extensions for online stores.

  • VirtueMart
  • Hika Shop
  • EShop
  • J2Store, etc.

All the Joomla extensions have some ultimate features:

  • Maintain all Joomla product support
  • Easy to configure, customize and use
  • Multilingual support
  • Auto currency rate update
  • 24/7 Community Support
  • SEO friendly with meta tags
  • Several templates and layout per category
  • Multiple payment gateways
  • Drag and drop file manager
  • Powerful reporting
  • Highly extensible
  • Seamless checkout
  • Advanced access control
  • Promotion and discount handler
  • Order management
  • Unlimited & nested categories
  • Custom order status
  • One-page checkout
  • Unlimited products, manufacturers, domain installation and support
  • Multi store, language and currency
  • Product reviews and ratings
  • Fully responsive layout
  • International sales
  • Affiliate program support
  • Powerful statistics capabilities
  • Multiple Vendor
  • Product ratings and reviews
  • No design and template ability limitations
  • Multiple currencies
  • Ready to use and easy to manage webshop
  • Enhanced statistics
  • SEO optimized
  • Multiple shipping and payment methods
  • Send out newsletters and catalogues
  • Gift options
  • Intelligent SEF URLs
  • And lots more

Website security and maintenance

Joomla additionally provide possibilities with varieties of security extensions for better and firm security. These security extensions with other security features provided with web hosting plans gives a better form of protection over your database and website with secure access. To know more about Joomla security feature please follow the link

Web hosting plan features

  • Backup manager (daily, weekly, yearly)
  • DDoS mitigation (levels 3 and 4)
  • Security advisor
  • Firewall
  • SSL support (Compare SSL certificates to get the right level of security for your site.)

Joomla website security extensions features:

  • Joomla security extensions provides you protection against most vulnerable attacks. It provides login security, IP blocking/backlisting, IP whitelisting, and automatic IP blocking of repeat offenders. E.g. Admin Tools Professional.
  • Joomla security extensions scans directory structures, storing details of every file in a database table. Able to detect any directory tree files that are new, changed, or deleted. If any change is detected, you will get a notification or email. E.g. Eyesite.
  • Joomla security extensions prevents spamming by requiring visitors to complete an interactive task. If Key CAPTCHA isn’t successfully solved, page refreshing is blocked, and users must manually refill forms. E.g. KeyCAPTCHA.

This list represents just a few of Joomla’s many e-commerce security offerings.

Set up your Joomla website today!

The features and reasons mentioned above definitely makes Joomla a must have choice for designing, developing, setting up and maintaining a professional-looking, fully featured e-commerce website. Its expandable and extensive functionality, extendibility, and ability to deliver an easy-to-use and user-friendly shopping experience make it a first-choice CMS.

Need help in Joomla e-commerce web development, Joomla website development or Joomla CMS development? No problem! WDMtech support, developers and designers’ team is standing by to offer all the assistance, development or customization you need. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you run into any problems.

While Content Management Systems (CMS) reduce the burdens associated with building a website, particularly an e-Commerce one, choosing the right system is a pretty hard decision by itself. The three biggest CMSs every eCommerce entrepreneur has to consider are a pretty popular in the CMS world and eCommerce entrepreneurs usually end up choosing one of them for their website. Joomla takes the cake because of its extensive functionality, ease of use, extendibility and its ability to deliver a wholesome online business experience.

Joomla’s e-commerce themes

Two steps. That’s all it takes to install a Joomla template.

  • Find and download the template you want
  • Use Joomla’s extension manager to upload the template

Joomla offers countless templates, many of which are free, all of which are SEO and translation ready. The following is a VERY small sampling of Joomla’s themes designed specifically for e-commerce websites. Don’t worry. No matter what kind of product or service you’re selling, you’ll find a template that’s just right for your online store.


  • Designed for any kind of e-commerce site
  • Responsive, retina-ready design so your site looks great from any device
  • Customisable colour choice, fonts, and typography


  • Designed for restaurants or food business-related sites
  • Template includes reservation forms and customisable menu
  • Blog and gallery features make it easy to share content and images


  • Designed for fashion businesses
  • Slick, simple layout helps you show off the season’s trendiest offerings
  • Highly functional menu navigation so customers can shop from any device

Joomla’s e-commerce extensions

It’s just as easy to install extensions. You have two options:

  • Use the extension manager to download and then upload the extension
  • Insert the URL for the extension’s location and install from there

A Joomla website is customisable with numerous extensions, some free, others paid, all fully featured to provide everything you could possibly need or want. To give you an idea, the following are among Joomla’s most popular extensions for online stores.

  • VirtueMart
  • Hika Shop
  • EShop
  • J2Store

Website security and maintenance

In addition to all other the security features already included with our web hosting plans, Joomla websites can be further customised with a variety of security extensions for even greater protection.

Web hosting plan features

  • Backup manager (daily, weekly, yearly)
  • DDoS mitigation (levels 3 and 4)
  • Security advisor
  • Firewall
  • SSL support (Compare SSL certificates to get the right level of security for your site.)

Joomla website security extensions

  • Admin Tools Professional: Among Joomla’s most popular security extensions, protects against most common attacks. Provides login security, IP blocking/backlisting, IP whitelisting, and automatic IP blocking of repeat offenders.
  • Eyesite: Scans directory structures, storing details of every file in a database table. Able to detect any directory tree files that are new, changed, or deleted. You’ll receive an email if changes are detected.
  • KeyCAPTCHA: Prevents spamming by requiring visitors to complete an interactive task. If KeyCAPTCHA isn’t successfully solved, page refreshing is blocked, and users must manually refill forms.

*Again, this list represents a just a select few of Joomla’s many e-commerce security offerings.

Set up your Joomla website today!

For all of the above reasons, Joomla is a solid choice for setting up and maintaining a professional-looking, fully-capable e-commerce website. Its extensive functionality, extendibility, and ability to deliver a user-friendly shopping experience make it a top-choice CMS. Joomla really can handle just about anything you throw its way.

Need help setting up Joomla from the EuroDNS control panel? No problem! Our customer support team is standing by to offer all the assistance you need. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you run into any problems. We’re here if you need us.

In sum, #joomla is a great CMS for eCommerce because of security, layered and detailed user control, and many out of the box functionality like multilingual support, giving you an effective and scaleable shop

This Is Why Joomla Is The Best CMS Available

When you think about bringing your business online, you start with very basics i.e. A Website. You have to go through lots of research because of the availability of hundreds of options for website development. Then, how to choose the best? To bring you out from this compulsion, we are here to discuss an amazing CMS i.e. J O O M L A which is a great fit for any sort of web application development. To make our case stronger we have described a few astonishing features below.

Why to Choose Joomla

An Award-winning CMS…. It sounds great, isn’t it?

20 awards in 14 years…. A Big Deal!! Joomla shows its strength enabling you to build powerful cloud-based solutions, websites and online applications for all vertical. These awards and achievements are also because of extra-ordinary Joomla development services.

Why Joomla Is The Best CMS

Joomla is Universal!! …… Right from Installation, it is Multilingual.

This claim is authentic and legitimate because of 75+ languages available in Joomla. You can install Joomla in a language of your choice. In addition, the language override in Joomla is so simple; you can change the text to suit your requirements without any Joomla web development or coding knowledge.

Joomla is Secure!!…… Never compromise when it comes to your data.

All violations of essential personal or business data are brutalizing. Compromised security is the biggest concern of any organization or individual. To ensure enhanced and assured security, Joomla websites are equipped with 2 excellent security measures:

  • Two Factor Authentication (2FA): This is an inbuilt Joomla security feature that quells the efforts of a security breach using any unauthorized access or hacking into the password security.
  • B-Crypt Algorithm: This is a hashing algorithm used by Joomla to scramble all of the passwords in your database – ensuring better encryption against hackers.

SEO Friendly!! ……. Joomla does it for you as a complementary.

Inbuilt Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows Joomla based web applications to improve their volume and quality. Joomla follows all the latest SEO norms in the most appropriate way possible to provide the best output for your site.

As Expandable as nothing……. with 7,000+ extensions.

One of the largest Global development communities supports the Joomla CMS because of the number of extensions (Components, modules, plugins, Templates, and Languages). You can add many features as and when require using these extensions and can accommodate your unique Joomla web development needs, leaving you free to focus on designing a great website.

Joomla Templates are exceptionally Handsome……. with World-Class User Interface (UI)

Joomla is equipped with cross-functional, diverse and feature-rich templates available online. These largest bunch of templates allow you to customize the layout of your Joomla Website and saves organization valuable time and money. All these templates are responsive while using mobile, tab, notebook or any size of PC.

Joomla is Effortless…… It’s never beyond your Ken.

Joomla requires minimal or negligible effort to engineer it. It is really easy to understand and very handy to manage. You will be addicted to work on it within no time. With a heap of online Joomla tutorials, created by Joomla experts, you never feel unfamiliar with any feature, functionality and other aspects of Joomla. You can find anything related to Joomla website development.

Joomla 4.0 Carving The New Feature In Web Development

The world is going through speedy transformational phases, as the technology is. Every now and then, somewhere, someone is researching something new and better for the next generation. Who don’t follow this Mantra lags behind and soon become out of trend.

So, to stand into the market with cutting-edge competition, one has to be updated just like a true warrior should armed with all his weapons and always update them timely. One who survives all competitive challenges come out as a winner and rule the market.

Honestly, without any doubt, Joomla is the most recommended CMS by the experts and is very much on the fingertips of developers. Following the above trend, Joomla development service are going to boost the market with JOOMLA 4.0 having some of the latest features with better interface never seen before.

Few of the astonishing facts are discussed below to prove the above said statements:

  • Whenever a big update is going to come, customer always expect something new with GUI also. So here you are, Joomla 4.0 is coming with new intuitive and user-friendly look. Here are some of the features:
    • New look for front-end and back-end templates.
    • Engaging look to your control panel or admin panel.
    • Lots of colors with awesome typography.
    • Bootstrap 4 replaced bootstrap 2.
    Joomla 4.0 Control Panel
  • One of the latest features going to bring a big change is Publishing Workflow. Now a Luddite can also update the content without going into any technical details or in any sort of Custom Joomla Development.
    • Now you will find flexible and more customizable Dashboard.
    • It is more user friendly than ever before.
    • Some default parameters are added to reduce number of steps.
    Joomla 4.0 Step by Step Guide
  • Old is not always gold, some old features which are outdated must be removed by the time. This is what has been done with Joomla 4.0. Some deprecated features and removed and replaced by latest like:
    • Removed Mootools from the codebase.
    • Removed jQuery from the core to improve load time and to reduce conflicts with other libraries.
  • SEO is the very important aspect of any website. Now a days every customer recommends SEO websites rather than spending lots of money to make their site SEO friendly. New features are added to Joomla 4.0 to make it more SEO friendly.
  • Simplified, powerful and cleaner code base and coding with pre-existing features:
    • To get high performance like existing event systems in PHP Re-written Plugin System is used.
    • To improve testing framework of Joomla JFactory is replaced by Dependency Injection Containers.
    • To stop duplication of class names in components Code Namespacing is used.
  • One of the prominent changes which is the need of the time is Media Manager. Previously Joomla didn’t have feature to edit any media but now you can drag and drop items and edit them easily with multiple options.
  • Security measures are the major concern for each and every CMS. So, Joomla development services brings Joomla 4.0 with support for pre-SQL statements which makes it more secure in comparison to other CMSs.

System requirement for Joomla 4.0:

Joomla 4.0 no longer supports PHPs ext/MySQL drivers which was removed in PHP 7.0. Joomla may use MySQL extensions or MySQL PDO Drivers available since PHP 5.3 for the stable database connection. Joomla 4.0 support detail is mentioned below:

  • PHP 7 +
  • MySQL 5.5.3 +
  • PostgreSQL 9.2 +
  • SQL Server support has been dropped

As per Joomla CMS Development community, stable version of the Joomla 4.0 is going to be launched till end of the year 2019 or date could be extended to next 2 to 3 months in case of release more versions of 3.9+ or Alpha before it.

One can check all the updates and progress on GITHUB project for custom Joomla development. All the progress can be seen over there. One can also participate in the development process as Joomla is a free and open-source.

Never Stop Questioning…… Question Everything with vQuiz…. An Online Quiz Tool

Do you dare to question people? Would you be able to know the public opinion anyhow? Could you test your partner personality? Can you find your child or candidate performance? Can you assess your inhouse management?

Do you dare to question people? Would you be able to know the public opinion anyhow? Could you test your partner personality? Can you find your child or candidate performance? Can you assess your inhouse management?

Online Quiz

Here is the most advance online quiz maker tool “VQUIZ” for the people who are really curious, inquisitive, question all the time, seeking and probing things for different purposes like research and human assessment. “VQUIZ” is a popular quiz generator tool on JED.

How many facial expressions can you make to ask a question? You got it right! You can make different sorts of Quizzes like MBTI, Survey, Personality, Trivia, MCQs, and Simulation just by a single quiz maker tool “vQuiz”, surely, gives you an advantage over other tools.

Survey Play
Simulation Play
Trivia Play
Personality Play

Types of online Quizzes

How vQuiz collaborate with different verticals?

  • vQuiz as a survey generator, allows you to create questionnaire which helps you in extracting information about people, assessing their choices, thoughts, opinion, feelings. This survey maker is one of the most prominent online survey tools, helps psychologist and sociologists to analyse behaviour, media in evaluating political candidates, public health officials, professional organizations, and advertising and marketing directors.
  • vQuiz as a test creator, can generate Trivia and MCQs, which can engage large number of audiences in interesting way. Also, these quiz helps students, employees and a person to do self-evaluation with instant result.
  • To make study fun, vQuiz brings you with a coarse builder. Learning path of this online course creator enables you to create groups of Lessons and Quizzes within it. So that a user can go through lessons and quizzes one by one.
  • vQuiz as a MBTI Quiz creator, to find out conclusive personality from 16 correlated personalities. It is also used by psychiatrist, doctors, phycologist, marketing managers, etc.
  • vQuiz as a poll maker, enables you to gather opinion and feedback. It can help you drive traffic to your site and prevent you from voting fraud.
  • One can create fun personality quizzes and share with your friends using Email, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn or Facebook etc.
  • Once you’ve created a quiz which engages your audience it becomes a very effective method of capturing leads for sales, newsletters or creating specials offers.
  • vQuiz as a simulation quiz generator, helps improving critical thinking, helps to find out alternative solutions to a problem, helps to easily conduct experiments without disrupting the real system, and also helps to find out more precise and accurate values & results by increasing number of instance using multiple category simulation Quiz.

With Dynamic results and certificate, Subscription, order, coupon, and payment (tax), Question group and Branching, Leader Board and Progress Tracker based on categories, skills, quizzes etc. with highly informative Dashboard with Advance graphical reporting and notification, vQuiz leads the market.

Since 2013, WDMtech, is serving the industry of Web and mobile development with lots of services and products into the market. It is being recognized for developing innovative solutions. Other popular tools of WDMtech are vBizz (A Business Management Tool), vRestaurant (A booking system, table planners, list, rate & review tool for Restaurants), vData (Data Management Tool), FleetPath360 (A GPS Tool for water and land fleets) etc. For more information visit

WDMtech Receives Great Review: A Huge Thank You To Dutch Powerhouse

At WDMtech, we believe that technology is the future of our world. We need to invest our businesses and enterprises in smart technology that effectively communicates to consumers or other businesses. And to effectively do this, you have to meet the requirement of client to get them interact with the latest technology.

Mobile responsiveness is crucial to have a viable business platform. That means people can access your website when they’re in their home or waiting and scrolling at the bus stop. If you show your target audience that you care enough to be there for them whenever they need you, you’ll have a successful brand.

Our team at WDMtech spends our time innovating our skill sets, so our clients can have the best in the industry. We care about our clients and want their businesses to elevate passed just an idea once we create with them.

We take the time to listen to client concerns, help understand their goals, and effectively execute. The project isn’t done when we finish our work. The project is done when the client is happy.

One of our clients, Dutch Powerhouse recently submitted a review of our time together and our services on Clutch. Clutch is a B2B research firm that connects companies with businesses based on in-depth, honest client feedback. This methodology ensures that clients find the perfect match for their projects.

Receives Great Review

The solution is a huge improvement for our clients’ website and their visitors. Their flexibility during our agile approach was impressive.” – CEO, Dutch Powerhouse

Client feedback is an important part of our work because our team needs to stay informed about how we’re going as a company and how we create and develop applications as an IT services provider.

We’re really proud of the work we’ve been developing here since 2013. You can see our digital portfolio showcased on Clutch’s sister-site, Visual Objects. This site helps build your audience for future clients so they can see your work easily on an unbiased platform.

It’s also crucial our team to stay updated about the web development industry. You can find business insights on The Manifest, which helps people see the best companies in the game and learn insights that are imperative for business objectives and strategies.

Thank you again to our client Dutch Powerhouse for helping our future customers understand why they enjoyed working with us. It’s important to us to keep reinventing the way we do business and the way we use creative technology that lasts.

Come say hi over on our contact page to schedule a meeting for a future project. We look forward to it!

Never Settle Down, Break the Shackles, and Train Yourself with Progressive Technology

Only technology stays ahead with itself, when it stays a bit, we give it another push.

Mobile based native application usage dramatically overcame the web-based application with the technology improvement and enhancement.

What if something will replace these native mobile apps too??

Yes, it is already there into the market. It’s never a conclusion that native apps are not useful at all, in fact we use them for everyday task e.g. communicating apps. Native apps directly interact with operating system that makes them faster and more responsive. But native app for every purpose is not the necessity. Then what is better and latest we have into the market?


Here we go!! Progressive Web Apps (PWA), it is a web app that uses latest web features and functionalities to deliver a mobile app-like experience to users. These apps fulfill certain much needed requirements, and are deployed to servers, accessible through URLs, and indexed by search engines.

Progressive web application takes advantage of the latest technologies to combine the best of web and mobile apps such as speed and offline usage, without downloading anything. App-store distribution is not an obstacle with PWA as it is in native apps. PWA acts and feel like an app by its design but in real its base is webpage.

There are certain criteria for an application to be progressive. Below are some important features of a progress application:


Progressive – It should not be restricted to any browser and must work for any sort of user or device. It should be progressive in terms of enhancing communication with browsers and devices.

Responsive – Usually a PWA’s user interface must fit any type of form factor, desktop, mobile, tablet, or next generation device.

Connectivity independent – Loaded with latest technology of service workers to work when you are offline or anywhere having low quality networks.

App-like – With minimal page refreshes, a progressive web app should also look like a native app and use the app-shell model to provide app-style navigation and interactions.

Fresh – Service worker update process must be available to make an app always up to date with the latest content which is published recently.

Safe – Security is the most vital element for any website now a days. PWA hosted over HTTPS to prevent any security breach or attack. It prevents snooping and ensure not make anyone to temper with the content.

Discoverable – As PWA is actually a website, so it is discoverable in search engines and give it an upper hand over the native apps which are not easy optimize in searchability. Also, W3C manifests and service worker registration scope allows search engines to find them.

Re-engageable – People like instant notification and updates on applications they use. So, PWA also provide the re-engagement with ease through features like push notifications.

Installable – PWA apps can be installed on the device home screen so that it should be handy for a user to access it on the priority bases.

Linkable – Another important characteristic of PWA inherited from website. URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) should be used by the well-designed website to indicate the current state of application. This will enable the web app to retain or reload its state when the user bookmarks or shares the app’s URL.

What is the future of Progressive Web applications?

The research organization Gartner have predicted that around 20% of all existing brands will left their native apps by 2019 and will adapt Progressive Web Apps. Progressive Web Apps allow web developers to deliver web-based applications that out-perform Native web applications. PWAs bring features we expect from native apps to the mobile browser experience. With a PWA, your users always have the latest version of your app. You never have to disturb them with updates. You can do continuous deployments to bring new features and fixes instantly.

There are many top companies that have made the switch to Progressive Web Apps like:

  • Alibaba
  • Fandango
  • Flipkart
  • Forbes
  • Jumia Travel
  • Lancôme
  • Ola
  • Twitter
  • Virgin America
  • The Washington Post

So, don’t think much and plan to make a quick switch with WDMtech, a web and mobile application development company, is very active and prolific in adapting any upcoming future technology. With strong training and management system, as a team of experts, it is already started delivering projects on PWAs. To own a PWA application visit and play your part in progressive technological advancement.